Board of Directors

The Public Sector Pension Plans Act requires our Board to have seven Directors as follows:

  • One Director appointed by the College Pension Board from among its members.
  • One Director appointed by the Municipal Pension Board from among its members.
  • One Director appointed by the Public Service Pension Board from among its members.
  • One Director appointed by the Teachers’ Pension Board from among its members.
  • Two Directors, representative of other clients, appointed by the Minister of Finance for British Columbia.
  • One other Director appointed by the Minister of Finance for British Columbia and designated to be the Chair of the Board.

These nominating bodies are aware of our criteria relating to the knowledge, experience, and skill set we look for in BCI Directors. All Directors and the Board Chair are non-executive Directors and independent of management.

The Board’s accountabilities include: appointing the CEO/CIO (and monitoring and reviewing his performance); appointing auditors; approving policies, BCI’s business plan, budget, conflict of interest guidelines; establishing the employee classification system and compensation scale; and overseeing operations. The Board is legislatively prohibited from being involved in investment decisions.

Under the supervision of the CEO/CIO, investment professionals make these decisions, in accordance with policies established by our clients, and those established by the Board. The CEO/CIO is accountable for all investment decisions.

Board Committees

The Board has two standing committees:

  • The Audit Committee oversees the audit programs, financial management controls, financial reporting, and compliance matters.
  • The Human Resources and Governance Committee (HRGC) reviews human resource strategies, Compensation Philosophy, succession management, performance incentive plans, employee classification systems, and Board governance.